

At the International School of Leadership, our food menu is thoughtfully crafted to offer a versatile and wholesome culinary experience. We prioritize fresh, locally sourced ingredients that celebrate natural flavors and diverse global cuisines. From vibrant salads and nourishing plant-based dishes to rich, culturally inspired meals, our menu caters to a variety of dietary preferences while maintaining a focus on health and sustainability. Each meal is designed to fuel both body and mind, supporting our commitment to holistic leadership development.
 week 1week 2week 3week 4
Monday Cheese toast and milk  French toast and milk  Avocado toast and orange juice Cheese omelet and juice 
Mashed potatoesMeat tajine Hamburger and potatoes Salad 
Grilled steakBread FruitShepherd’s pie
FruitFruit Fruit 
Madelaine and verbena Yogurt and a fruit Mkhamer mapple sirop and butter and tea Chocolate chip cookies 
Tuesday Mssemen and tea Bread with olive oil and maple sirop and tea  Cheese toast and milk Pancakes and milk 
Potato and olive chicken tajineNicoise salad Carrots and chicken tajine Steamed vegetable and grilled chicken 
Breadminced meat and potato wedges BreadFruit 
Chocolate cake and milk Pancake and milk Fruit salad  yogurt and granola 
Wednesday French toast and orange juice  Cheese omelet and orange juice  Mssemen and tea Cake and milk 
Meat ball spaghetti saladMacaroni and cheese Fried rice 
YogurtGratin dauphinois  tomato sauce meat balls minced meat skewers 
Chocolate chips cookies and milk Yogurt and a fruit Pancake and milk Mssemen and tea 
Thursday Fruit juice and pancakes  Mssemen and tea Greek yogurt and granola Bread honey and olive oil and tea 
Hamburger and friesPasta saladLentils saladSalad Spaghetti meatballs 
FruitGrilled chicken breast filet Grilled fish Fruit 
Cake and milk Chocolate chip cookies Mssemen and tea Cheese toast and milk  
FridayGreek yogurt and granola Pancakes and orange juice Cheese omelet and orange juice French toast and juice 
Couscous and lbenCouscous and lbenCouscous and lbenCouscous and lben
Beghrir and verbena Cake and milk Chocolate chip cookies and milk Beghrir and tea